Childrens Playrooms

Please find below what we offer in our children’s playrooms for children between the ages of under 2s to 5 years and more about the learning, development including parents evenings.
Under 2s
2 - 3 Years
2 ½ - 3 ½ years
3 - 5 years
Under 2s
Our under-2 children’s play rooms include the Busy Bees and the Orange Cubs. Busy Bees can cater for up to 11 children between the ages of 3-15 months and Orange Cubs can cater for up to 12 children between the ages of 15 months-2 years.
- Ratio is three children to one member of staff.
- Sensory approach to play, learning and development.
- Sleep room with view panels and baby monitor installed (all sleeping children are checked every 10 minutes).
- Separate nappy and toilet area.
- Separate kitchen area to prepare bottles, meals and snacks.
- Individual care plans followed.
- Low-level tables and chairs to create a social time during meals and snacks.
- Individual planning for their interests, age and stage.
- Shared garden area (under 2s only).
2 - 3 Years
Our 2-3 years playrooms include the Red Squirrels and the Yellow Chicks. Both rooms cater for up to 12 children per room.
- Ratio 4 children to 1 member of staff.
- Separate toilet and nappy changing area. We also work closely with parents/carers when their child is showing signs of potty training.
- Kitchen area to prepare meals and snacks.
- Toys accessible for individual selection by children.
- Interactive routines and registration times.
- Individual planning for their interests, age and stage.
- Two and a half year progress checks carried out with you and your child’s key person.
- Shared garden area (for ages 2-3 only).
- Access to natural materials and treasure baskets.
- Planned adult-led activities and child-initiated activities are recorded.
2 ½ - 3 ½ years
Our 2½ – 3½ years playrooms include the Green Grasshoppers which caters for up to 14 children and the Blue Butterflies which caters for up to 16.
- Ratio four children to one member of staff for children aged 2 ½ to 3 years, eight children to one member of staff for children aged 3 to 3 ½ years.
- Toilet and nappy changing area – children in these playrooms are encouraged to use the facilities by themselves whilst staff monitor their actions.
- Kitchen area to prepare meals and snacks.
- Children are encouraged to independently select their own toys and equipment but also tidy away again when finished.
- Structured routines and registration times to prepare children for ‘big school’.
- Adult-led activities and child-initiated activities are recorded.
- Individual planning for their interests, age and stage of development.
- Shared garden areas (for ages 3-5 only).
3 - 5 years
Our 3-5 years playrooms include the Green Grasshoppers which caters for up to 14 children and the Blue Butterflies which caters for up to 16.
- Ratio four children to one member of staff for children aged 2 ½ to 3 years, eight children to one member of staff for children aged 3 to 3 ½ years.
- Toilet and nappy changing area – children in these playrooms are encouraged to use the facilities by themselves whilst staff monitor their actions.
- Kitchen area to prepare meals and snacks.
- Children are encouraged to independently select their own toys and equipment but also tidy away again when finished.
- Structured routines and registration times to prepare children for ‘big school’.
- Adult-led activities and child-initiated activities are recorded.
- Individual planning for their interests, age and stage of development.
- Shared garden areas (for ages 3-5 only).

Learning & Development
- Each child has a key person who is responsible for planning future activities and learning opportunities for your child.
- We take our lead from the children and plan for their individual interests.
- We also ask for information from you as parents/carers with regards to what your child enjoys doing at home. This enables us to develop your child’s interests within the nursery environment.
- Each child has their own learning journey which contains reports, observations, photo sheets, examples of work and home link sheets which parents/carers complete. You can ask to see these and look through them at anytime; however, your child’s key person will go through this with you at our parents’ evening that we have twice per year.
- We use visual evidence in the form of photos to display around the nursery and support children’s’ work, which will also be entered in the child’s learning journey.